No-till Expertise & DVD Testimonials
See what Exapta customers have to say about No-till Seeding DVD.
“The webinar was a great refresher on no-till drill maintenance and the latest updates. With the current low commodity price, it’s good to have every advantage to maximize my yields. It provided really good information.”

“We installed Valions, Mojos, and Thompson wheels last year and our stands were substantially better. In the past, we were having a hard time getting the stands and yields that we wanted, but now we are doing better than we ever have. The DVD was also money well spent. It helped us a lot to understand the importance of getting the planter and drill set up correctly. You guys provide great products & service.”
James SnellenHodgenville, KY, Exapta customer since 2014
“Great products, company, and service. I have their [Thompson] closing wheels on my planter and drill. My opinion is Keetons are darn near worthless without their Mojo Wires. Have my second set of [their Ingersoll] drill blades in the shed ready to put on. And the price of the DVD is well worth it.”

“We run all your products for the planter and drill. We have the Valions, Mojos, and Thompson wheels on the planter. On our 750 drill, we use T-wheels and also took your advice on other improved products to install such as the Case SDX firming wheel. These upgrades really make it all plant really nice. Your stuff works! Keep it up!”
Don HenryMoweaqua, IL, Exapta customer since 2008
“I appreciate everything you (and your guys) do for us as we try to keep moving forward in no-till while fighting machinery that is still largely being designed for conventional or minimum-till.”

“Most companies sell you their product and don’t care if you’re satisfied or not. If something doesn’t go correctly, we’re usually told we are the first or only ones having a problem. You driving to our farm, talking with us, and following up post-sale says a lot of your company. We really appreciate it!”

“I very much appreciate your emails. I get a lot of junk emails, but I’m excited when one of yours shows up. I’ve made a lot of changes because of them over the past few years—changes that have greatly benefited my operation.”

“Perfect stands of corn this year! With all the uncontrollable risks associated with trying to grow a crop, it is amazing how many guys still try to plant with insufficient seeding equipment, be disappointed year after year, and do nothing about it!”

“After reading your articles and watching your planter and drill set-up DVD, we added old tractor wheel weights to our bar [Deere drill’s toolbar]—I have never seen our 1890 sit so flat and stable when working.”

“Great products that are field-tested, and knowledgeable support.”

“I was the only one able to plant this year because of your theories: Remove the coulter, use the Valion—with a wider seed trench and using the Keeton plus Mojo Wire for seed firming. Everyone else using coulters created a huge mud mess.”
Scott LambertTrempealeau, WI, Exapta customer since 2013
“I want to thank you for your advice. I’m located in north-central Missouri where there doesn’t seem to be many or any of these drills around. I bought this from a JD dealership in Carthage, IL, which they didn’t have much info either. You were a big help to me which I really appreciate.”
Dale Watkinsnorth-central Missouri, in regards to lowering the rockshaft on his JD 1850 drill with Exapta's knowledge.
“I would strongly encourage you to get the No-till Seeding Explained DVD. I am an audio and visual learner—a great resource to review each year. I really like the Exapta Solutions products on my planter in the tight clays on my farm!”
Bart BoehmFontanelle, IA
“I have purchased lots of other items for $5 or $6 in the past on no-till information and found nothing like the information I got from your DVD. It is superb.”
Chris VanDykeSeymour, WI, Exapta customer since 2013
“A great company and have been very helpful with any questions.”

“I’m very thankful that guys like you are willing to figure this stuff out, and to get your hands dirty. We toyed with no-till for many years, but could never get acceptable stands. Your knowledge changed that, and we are now confident in our ability to get stands in continuous no-till. Your products and information made the difference. Thank you.”