The 2019 No-till Seeding School was held on August 8th with Tom Cannon participating.
Watch our game-changing UniForce hydraulic downforce for JD 50/60/90/Pro drills in action. Kent Stones describes his experiences with hydraulic downforce on both his planter and drill.
Get coaching on seeder adjustments! Brush up on your knowledge before buying upgrades for your planter or drill. Think everything is okay because your super-high-tech planter monitor says so? Not so fast! Huge flaws in placement may exist. Get clarity on the physical actions needed for effective no-till seeding. Some very simple, easy adjustments often provide enormous improvement.
An array of adjustments and attachments on planters & drills will be shown in action. Inspect corn stands planted a couple weeks prior with the same configurations. Compare the choices. Learn the interactions amongst the components.
Watch our game-changing UniForce hydraulic downforce for JD 50/60/90 drills in action. And get a sneak peek at other developments in the world of no-till drills.
The main presenter was Matt Hagny, who had spent many hundreds of hours methodically examining seed placement in no-till. Hagny delivered the hard truths in his candid, honest style, while keeping it entertaining. Blackwell, OK, highly successful no-tiller, Tom Cannon co-hosted (Tom is more attentive to planting details than anyone we know of).
The Seeding School is purely educational, and not an infomercial for Exapta products. We’d like to thank our past Seeding School hosts, including Alan Aufdemberge, Jason Stansbury, Craig & Gene Stehly, Joe Swanson, David Young, and Doug & Tracey Palen