Exapta has been offering the Intelligent Ag (IAG) blockage systems for several years now and so this month’s newsletter will touch on why this system works well and the advantages over a traditional blockage system. It’s not uncommon to have a partial blockage in which the seed rate is reduced but you’re not aware of it until you are done with the field. We’ve all seen the blank spots in fields due to a blockage that will cost yield and present weed control issues throughout the growing season.
The biggest difference with the Intelligent Ag system vs other systems on the market is that it uses acoustic sensors to measure sound. As the seed moves into the secondary lines, it flows through the sensor, hitting the tiny stainless-steel membrane embedded with a microphone, that sends the pulses through hollow tubes to the ECU. The data is then sent with an updated wired connection to the cab, where the iPad app lets you see percentages of flow for each run—in real time. You can also see a percentage for each tower, which helps with monitoring product flowing through the primary lines. A mass flow sensor alerts you to bridging or problems in the tank. It gives two readings so it can read two different products e.g. (fertilizer and seed). The entire system is based around variations in the percentages displayed. You can set tolerances for how much variance is allowed before alerting you to potential blockages. Because it gives percentages, you will be able to see partial blockages or reduced rates, which most other systems cannot provide.
Having only one wired connection going to the drill gives much less electrical headaches compared to wires going to every run. Long term, electronic sensors and wiring on traditional blockage systems just don’t hold up, which makes resale value with an Intelligent Ag system a positive on the used air seeder market. The IAG system is easy to install, and they have excellent install videos as well as good phone support to work through any issues. If you have considered getting a blockage system but just can’t decide, I encourage you to look further into the Intelligent Ag Recon plus system for all the above benefits.